
The Christian Zionist

God continues to this day to warn His people about helping the ungodly and loving them that hate Him. What is the result of such misguided  support? "Therefore is wrath upon thee" II Chron. 19:2. That's right ... wrath, judgment and punishment!

Our nation is coming under bondage from those who have a deep hatred for Jesus Christ and all Christians, the Anti-Christ’s that has our nation by its throat. Our Christian leadership have been dumbed down, blinded to spiritual realities as put forth in the Bible and are lemmings leading their flock of lemmings over the cliff to the destruction of their spiritual life and impotent to stand against the evil that now has a strong influence over them. The Bible warns of a time at the end of the age that the very elect would be decieved by the devil. News flash, you are in the end times and our “Christian ministers and their flock” are being decieved, big time by the forces of evil.

What you are witnessing is one of the greatest satanic deceptions of the 21st century.


The book itself has 814 pages. It is a book within a book. So you get a lot of information for such a small price.


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